You are invited to join us.

The Tarrant County Veterans Council was formed to provide an organization through which veterans service organizations in the Tarrant County area could coordinate their efforts to better serve area veterans and their survivors. We are probably best known for hosting the annual Veterans Day Parade every year in Downtown Fort Worth, Texas.
You do not need to be a Veteran or part of a member organizations to be on the Parade Committee. We are all volunteers (council and committee members). We have a Great team and more folks are always welcome and needed to produce an informative and fun filled event honoring our Veterans, past, present and future. Please join in the fun and satisfaction as we preserve our traditions.
Tarrant County Veterans Council meetings normally follow the parade meeting, everyone is welcome.

Please check our webpage for the current

VETERANS DAY PARADE Details as they are developed

You and your organization are invited to join the Council.

The Veterans Council is a coalition of service organizations from throughout the Tarrant County area who have joined together to better serve the veterans of our Armed Forces through unity. Our purpose is to coordinate veteran programs in the Tarrant County, Texas area. Any organization with at least ten veteran members in Tarrant or any neighboring county, may submit an application for membership in the COUNCIL.


Applications and dues may be submitted at a meeting or mailed to:
Tarrant County Veterans Council
P.O. Box 16301
Fort Worth, TX 76162
7101 Bryant Irvin Rd. #16301
Fort Worth, TX 76132-4135

Diversity Statement

"The Tarrant County Veterans Council was formed to provide a venue through which Veterans Service organizations in the Tarrant County area could coordinate their efforts to better serve area veterans and their survivors.

In this spirit, the Council accepts all members and member organizations without regard to color, creed, race, religion or sexual orientation. The Council strives to sustain an atmosphere of mutual respect and welcomes the diversity that leads to an open exchange of ideas."

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